Early Childhood Education Articles

Expanding Children's Language and Communication Skills
Nikki Shaver, May 2016

As an Early Childhood Educator I have come across many different theories and techniques when it comes to expanding on a child's language and communication skills. There are an array of ideas that can be used to develop these, and I will be highlighting them below.

1. Use Literature: Reading a book to a child is a wonderful way to increase their language skills. Ask many questions while reading. For example, ask about the pictures, characters, and what is happening in the story. After reading, ask them to try and remember as much as they can about the story.

2. Give Choices: Give choices during meal times, games, etc. so children have a way to voice their opinion. Even if you may already know the answers to the choices you give, this is still another opportunity for practicing communication.

3. Increase Sentence Length: When a child gives you a one word response, repeat their answer back to them using expanded wording. For example if you ask "Do you want to go to the park?" and a child answers, "No, thank you," you can respond with, "No, I don't want to go to the park, thank you." and have them repeat it back to you.

4. Encourage Use of Words, Not Gestures: If a child wants something, encourage them to use the words to describe what they want instead of simply pointing or gesturing towards what they want.

5. Model Great Communication: Be the role model for the children around you. When speaking in full sentences ensure you are using proper grammar and articulation. When adults are speaking, children are reminded about the sounds of different words, and the structure of sentences.

There are many opportunities that we as adults can have with children to encourage the expansion of their language and communication skills. As long as we take the time to utilize the opportunities, children will grow and learn.

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